Derivative of complex conjugate - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2014年10月22日 · In general, two different mathematical operations need not commute. Let f(x,y) be a complex valued function, taking in two real-valued inputs x and y. Then under what …
Schrödinger's Equation and its complex conjugate [closed]
I would like to know why there is a minus sign on the right-hand side of the Schrödinger's complex conjugate equation, whereas in the Schrödinger's equation there isn't. I know it is a simple …
Integrate complex conjugate - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2016年11月6日 · Contour integral of complex conjugate function. Doubt about result in Visual Complex Analysis book.
Complex Conjugate of Wave Function - Physics Stack Exchange
I've been reading through Griffiths QM book, and the only thing bugging me is they never fully described what $\\Psi^* $ should be for any given function. I know it's the complex conjugate …
Is the Complex Conjugate of Sin Equal to Sin of the Conjugate?
2008年1月29日 · Complex Complex conjugate Conjugate Sin Jan 29, 2008 #1 Pythagorean. Gold Member. 4,411 322. Homework ...
Complex Conjugate of Complex function - Mathematics Stack …
Complex Conjugate of Complex function. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 5 months ago. Modified 12 years, 5 ...
Does the complex conjugate of an integral equal the integral of …
$\begingroup$ @Karlo, Essentially that is because integral is 'sum of infinitesimals' so that we can distribute conjugate to each summand. Of course, the precise justification depends on how we …
Complex conjugate of polar form of $z \\in \\mathbb C$
The complex conjugate of the polar form of a complex number is given by $$\overline{re^{i\theta}}=re^{-i ...
Why is there only a complex conjugate, but no real conjugate?
But that does not answer the question of why we can obtain the complex conjugate of a complex number only by negating the imaginary part and never by negating the real part. (For that …
calculus - Derivatives by complex number and conjugate
2013年8月24日 · For the usual complex derivative df(z)/dz to exist, the Cauchy-Riemann equations must be satisfied. We can deduce the Cauchy-Riemann equations heuristically …