This lecture note will familiarize the students about the definition of words which are commonly used in Epidemiology, levels of prevention; Infectious diseases Epidemiology; measuring morbidity and mortality; sources and method of data collection; Epidemic investigation and management; and Surveillance.
Epidemiology: Introduction to Epidemiology, Part 1 ... - YouTube
This video focuses on Introduction to Epidemiology, Part 1, Amharic Language Version with detailed explanations. This video lecture describes the details of ...
(PDF) Epidemiology Lecture Note - Academia.edu
This lecture note provides an introduction to epidemiology as the fundamental science of public health, detailing its definitions, basic assumptions, and the importance of studying disease frequency and determinants in populations.
Epidemiology Lecture note.pdf - EPIDEMIOLOGY FOR Health...
These lecture notes are mainly prepared for health officer and medical students. We believe that other health science students will be beneficiaries of this material.
- 评论数: 5
After using this material, students are expected to be able to: describe the epidemiology and scope of communicable diseases in Ethiopia and factors involved in the transmission of communicable diseases; identify the preventive and control measures of each of the communicable diseases; play an active role in the prevention and control of com...
Lecture Notes – Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative
Lecture Notes are health learning materials consisting of related discussion points for use by faculty as class lectures, student reading material, and study notes for the students. They are created using the same process as modules, except that initial drafts are from a collection of lecture notes from faculty members.
National Academic Digital Library of Ethiopia
The National Academic Digital Library of Ethiopia (NADLE) is a project under Ministry of Education, Ethiopia. The objective is to collect and collate metadata and provide full text index from several national and international digital libraries, as well as other relevant sources.
(PDF) LECTURE NOTES Epidemiology - Academia.edu
Key highlights include methodologies for identifying and managing disease outbreaks, the importance of epidemiological surveillance, and the classification of diseases based on their epidemic potential.
Epidemiology: Outbreak Investigation & Management, Helpful …
Basic Epidemiology: Outbreak Investigation and Management, Part 1, Amharic Language Version with detailed explanations. This video lecture is going to explai...
EPI Lecture Note April 2005, Yemane | PDF | Infection | Epidemiology
This document provides lecture notes on principles of epidemiology from Addis Ababa University. It covers key topics such as the definition and scope of epidemiology, its basic assumptions, history, categories including descriptive and analytic …