GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION, ETC. QUICK REFERENCE SHEET. Capitalize... DON'T capitalize... the version with the apostrophe is always the contraction, the shortened form of …
Whether you’re engaging in everyday speech or writing the perfect paper, you need to be familiar with the various parts of English grammar. Knowing how to correctly use nouns, verbs, …
If you're learning English grammar or trying to brush up on some of it, this Cheat Sheet will come in handy. It includes the parts of speech, sentence essentials, tips on using pronouns and …
Use a colon to introduce a list that appears after an independent clause. (Usually use introductory words such as following) Example: You need the following items for class: pencil, pens, paper, …
This is a quick English grammar overview for anyone confused or curious about the basics of English grammar. 1. Parts of Speech. 3. PunctuaJon. 3.8 ExclamaJon Mark • 4. Common …
These lessons will help you learn essential English grammar. When you have a good strong foundation of basic grammar, then you can avoid simple mistakes and progress to higher …
Here are 20 simple rules and tips to help you avoid mistakes in English grammar. For more comprehensive rules please look under the appropriate topic (part of speech etc) on our …
Basic Grammar Rules: Reference Sheet A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. It can take the singular or plural form. Plural forms: In most cases, add -s at the end of a word. For nouns …