In mathematics Euler operators may refer to: Euler–Lagrange differential operators d/dx: see Lagrangian system; Cauchy–Euler operators e.g. x·d/dx; quantum white noise conservation or …
2020年7月1日 · Euler–Lagrange operator. A fundamental object, $\cal E$, in the calculus of variations (cf. also Variational calculus), used to formulate the system of partial differential …
In solid modeling and computer-aided design, the Euler operators modify the graph of connections to add or remove details of a mesh while preserving its topology. They are named by …
The Euler operator arises in the calculus of varia- tions as the operator which to each Lagrangian of a variational problem assigns the Euler equation associated with that problem.
Euler operators form a useful set of basic tools with which to build up more complex modelling operations. In the examples shown in figures 3.11 to 3.31, the Euler operators take the …
Euler operators are written as Mxyz and Kxyz for operations in the Make and Kill groups, respectively, where x, y and z are elements of the model (e.g., a vertex, edge, face, loop, shell …
While reading this book I came across a differential equation $$t^5\frac{d^2y}{dt^2}+2t^4\frac{dy}{dt}-y=0$$ that was then rewritten in terms of the Euler …