In nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics, J-couplings (also called spin-spin coupling or indirect dipole–dipole coupling) are mediated through chemical bonds connecting two spins.
J-couplings are also known as scalar couplings. This interaction is mediated through bonds, in contrast to dipole interactions, which are mediated through space. Typically, we consider the J …
J-coupling, also known as scalar coupling, arises from nuclear magnetic moments in the same molecule affecting each other through the electron cloud, which is shared among atoms due to …
Chemists quantify the spin-spin coupling effect using something called the coupling constant, which is abbreviated with the capital letter J. The coupling constant is simply the difference, …
There are two descriptions for the coupling of angular momentum. One is called j-j coupling, and the other is called L-S coupling. The j-j coupling scheme is used for heavy elements (Z > 40), …
2009年5月11日 · Scalar coupling is the isotropic part (independent on the molecular orientation) of the J coupling. The J coupling [1] arises due to indirect interaction between the two nuclear …
J or scalar coupling between magnetic nuclei (otherwise termed nuclear spins) is coupling via the intervening network of chemical bonds and depends on interaction between the nuclear spins …
NMR J-coupling or nuclear spin-spin coupling is an indirect interaction of the nuclear magnetic moments mediated by the bonding electrons. It is manifested as the fine structure in NMR …
Methods to measure J-couplings from the superposition of in-phase and anti-phase (IPAP) are quite straightforward to implement and yield good success in cases of large- and uniform …
Indirect NMR spin–spin coupling constants, also known as J coupling constants, provide a wealth of structural infor-mation as well as detailed insight into the bonding of an atom to its neighbors.