Find comprehensive library of public information on Education with relevant datasets, predefined dashboards and the gallery of ready-to-use visualizations. With world maps, rankings, and …
on students attitudes towards statistics, effects of different teaching methods on statistical reasoning and achievement, and a better understanding of the practice of teaching statistics …
A Data Collection Tool (DCT) serves as a mechanism for gathering and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data pertaining to the performance and accomplishments of Higher …
In our paper, we take a case-study perspective and review the current Ethiopian curriculum in statistics and probability, and describe ongoing teaching, research and outreach efforts with …
EdStats (Education Statistics) provides data and analysis on a wide range of education topics such as access, quality, learning outcomes, teachers, education expenditures, and education …
Trends in Public Spending on Education, Ethiopia, 1980–81 to 2001–02 .....34 Table A8. Recurrent Public Education Spending Trends and Composition ... using both administrative …
Provide insight into the current status of education and training in Ethiopia; Indicate progress against the Education Sector Development Plan V (ESDP V) targets; and Provide education …
The main purpose of this publication, as others, is to provide relevant, reliable and up to date data on education in Ethiopia from kindergarten to higher education. Education Statistics Annual …
EPDC serves as a resource for education data, profiles and data reports on education status at the country level, research on issues and challenges in education around the world, as well as …
In this table, the values of different education indicators for Ethiopia are compared to all countries, to Sub-Saharan Africa, and to low and middle income countries. The percentile rank that is …