Train with me for FREE with my 10 Week EPIC I program. Download your Program Guide and Schedule below and click the 'Begin EPIC I' button to get started on Day 1.
Train with me for FREE with my 10 Week EPIC II program. Download your Program Guide and Schedule below and click the 'Begin EPIC II' button to get started on Day 1.
Join me in my home as I train hard through the NEW 10 Week EPIC III Program. Download your FREE Program Guide and Printable Schedule now and join the EPIC community across the …
improve overall level of fitness and most importantly feel epic. c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t p a g e. lsbosfbt. f. f. f ¯¹Ú¼ Æ;b; p¼¯£ ª ; ¼Ópª;íëíì ...
t. w. t. f. s. s. w k 1. w k 2. w k 3. w k 4. w k 5. w k 6. m. leg day. upper b od y. glu tes. full body. rest day. arms, abs & core. active / rest day. s houlders ...
muscle(s) over a longer duration is a key component of physical fitness with associated improvements to overall quality of life due to not only strengthening the muscles but also the …
t. w. t. f. s. s. w k 1. w k 2. w k 3. w k 4. w k 5. w k 6. m. upper. circuit & clusters. full body. supersets. giant leg. rest day. day. glutes & hamstring ...