How do you install custom cursors in Windows 10?
2015年7月30日 · Use windows explorer/Windows 10 equivalent is called This PC to navigate to "Local Disk (C:)>Windows>Cursor". Make a new folder for your custom cursor set, and drop it in.
Delete leftover custom cursor - Microsoft Community
2022年11月26日 · Hello, I have installed a custom cursor and I wanted to delete it and to do it I have gone to this windows path: C:\Windows\Cursors and from here I have deleted its file and gone to check in mouse cursor to check whether it's still there or not, but it …
Changing windows 10 cursor does not work - issue has been …
2018年11月12日 · Hello - Changing the Windows 10 cursor does not work I use Windows 10 at work and at home on my personal computer, and both don't have the ability to add a custom cursor. The option is there in settings, just like every other version of Windows, but when the computer is restarted - the cursor changes to the default white microsoft cursor...
How do I create my own custom cursors for Windows
2021年9月1日 · Can someone give me a step-by-step guide of how to create my own cursors, I want to make my own cursors but I am not aware how do I do it. Can someone help me?
Mouse cursor not saved after restart. - Microsoft Community
I have a theme that changes the mouse cursor and it wont save the cursor. I restart my PC and my coursor is back to normal. Is there anything i can do to keep the mouse the same?
I can't change my mouse cursor. - Microsoft Community
2019年1月25日 · I'm using windows 10 HP and I'm trying to change my mouse cursor but I can't do it. Can anyone help me with this problem?
How to fix custom cursor in Windows 11 when magnifier is open?
2023年8月16日 · "I **** using a magnifier in Windows 11, and when the magnifier is open, the custom cursor I have set changes to the default cursor when I open a new application. When I turn the magnifier on and off,
Custom mouse cursor disappears Windows 10. - Microsoft …
2016年5月4日 · As per the issue description your custom mouse cursor disappear on Windows 10 computer. Maybe installation of Windows 10 disabled the function of your mouse pointer. If that’s the case, it could be resolved just like users were resolving it in previous versions of Windows, just by pressing the function keys on your keyboard.
is it safe to use a custom cursor for windows 10?
2021年5月18日 · im wondering if i could possibly use a custom cursor and be safe? Microsoft only offers the cursors that are installed with Windows. So if you want something different, it has to come from a third party.
How to make a custom cursor stay in windows 10
2020年2月6日 · I have a custom cursor but everytime my PC restarts, it goes away. Any help?