约 487,000 个结果
  1. Delete by type History with Python - Autodesk Community

    2020年2月24日 · Quick question: how do you delete by type History in Python? # delete by type --> History cmds.delete(obj, constructionHistory = True) Only I'm not sure that's right. I only want to delete by type on one node. Cheers

  2. Step back through History - Autodesk Community

    2021年8月11日 · Hi I know you can step back through the history of a project using Ctrl + Z, but is there a more direct way? For instance, where all the history/steps are stacked in the Channel Box, can you jump back to a specific one/time? Such as right at the beginning? Thanks

  3. can u check history of commands used on a drawing - Autodesk …

    2016年6月6日 · can u check history of commands used on a drawing so i was wondering if there is a way to check the history of used commands on the drawing like on which computers was the drawing edited, what commands have been used by specific users, if the e.g. the line was drawn manually in the drawing or it was copied from named another drawing

  4. Custom Revit Icons for 2023/2024/2025 - Autodesk Community

    2023年4月10日 · Was kind of unhappy with the ones I found online. So I made my own for 2023/2024/2025. Figured I would share them in case anyone else wanted them as well. Cant upload ICO files, so they are in the zip. **Zip files updated to include 2025 Icons**

  5. Remove zoom/pan from undo/redo history - Autodesk Community

    2020年2月15日 · Hi, i suggest to try UNDO >> Control >> Combine.Combine option Controls whether multiple, consecutive zoom and pan commands are combined as a single operation for undo and redo operations. also you can check and …

  6. Spot Elevation Label Parameter Text Option

    2015年1月22日 · I'm trying to add a label to our spot elevation so that the tag will read the elevation of the floor and then a user can type into the bottom line what the elevation is indicating, such as 'TOSS' or 'FFE' or 'Sidewalk', etc. See 'Ideal Elevation.PNG'. I've encountered a startling number of issues:...

  7. Model tree disappeared. How do I get it back - Autodesk …

    2024年5月2日 · If you needed to use the Inventor Reset Utility that usually means that the browser/model tree has just been pushed off screen (maybe you have it setup to use multiple monitors,etc..) but the reset utility just resets the model browsers position hence why …

  8. Reordering components in the browser - Autodesk Community

    2018年9月17日 · I don't mean the history, just simply the top to bottom order of components in the browser, for an arrangement that would be logical to the current design and easy to follow visually. I'd like to be able to drag them up or down to their "proper" place in the browser, if possible. Thanks.

  9. Solved: Decal does not show - Autodesk Community

    2018年5月5日 · I'm trying to place a decal of an image on a wall in my elevation view and for some reason when i place the decal on the wall, it only shows the outline frame of the decal which lets me know that the image has been placed, but the actual image is not visible and i don't know why, i've tried it with different images and the same thing happens sometimes it does show if i change the graphical ...

  10. Recovering previous versions of a file - Autodesk Community

    2016年9月1日 · Open Windows Explorer, in the folder address bar type this exactly and hit <enter>: %TEMP% This is your Windows log-in temp folder: sort the files list by date.