  1. 22 Large Group Icebreakers: Games & Activities - teambuilding.com

    • Find out how to get teams of 20 people or more talking to each other with these fun and creative icebreakers. Learn about different types of icebreakers, such as Bingo, Most Likely To, Desert Island Intelligences, an… 展开

    Hello, My Name Is…

    For teams that do not know each other yet, Hello, My Name Is… is a large group icebreaker game where employees form a circle and introduce themselves with their name and a quir… 展开

    Icebreaker Bingo

    One of the best games to play with large groups is icebreaker Bingo. Most people are familiar with the rules and format, which makes the game quick to start. Plus, you can keep track o… 展开

    Most Likely to ______

    Most Likely To is a simple to put together large group icebreaker activity where participants assign who is most likely to do certain activities. Prior to the game starting, compile a list of “… 展开
