约 3,910 个结果
  1. Nearby Neighborhoods on Nextdoor

    Spread the word about events like a local theatre production or neighborhood garage sale. Ask for advice or recommendations from the widest range of people in your community. How are Nearby Neighborhoods determined? Your Nearby Neighborhoods are initially determined by distance to the address connected to your Nextdoor account.

  2. Find local businesses and services on Nextdoor

    Neighbors can use Nextdoor to find local, recommended businesses that offer services such as plumbing, cleaning, babysitting, gardening, tutoring, and more. Open Search by clicking into the search bar at the top of the screen. You can either select one of the suggested business types under Discover, or type in your search. If you search for or ...

  3. Join a group on Nextdoor

    Create a group in minutes to organize your local book club, get stuff done with your neighborhood HOA, or take action around a local issue with your neighbors. You can join any open group in your area and request to join any private group in your area. …

  4. Sell or giveaway an item on Nextdoor

    Post item 1. Click in the Post box at the top of the Newsfeed 2. Click the "Sell or give away an item&quot; option under &quot;Add your post&quot;<br>3.

  5. For Sale and Free guidelines Neighbors - Nextdoor

    Posting an item to your broader local area allows members of farther-away neighborhoods to see your item in For Sale and Free. These neighbors will not be able to view your profile. They can only see your first name and first initial of your last name along with your neighborhood name.

  6. Use Discover to explore your Nextdoor neighborhood

    Find great local businesses, meet neighbors who share your interests, or learn about what’s happening in your area this weekend on the Discover section of Nextdoor. (You can also use the Search this area option to view other neighborhoods.)

  7. Best practices for buying and selling items on Nextdoor

    What is broader local area? Posting to your broader local area doesn't mean your item will appear in the newsfeed of everyone in your local area. Instead, neighbours from farther-away neighbourhoods (just beyond your Nearby Neighbourhoods) will be able to see your item in the For Sale and Free section.

  8. How to create a Local Deal - Nextdoor

    You may use the Adjust area slider to reduce the radius, or expand your radius area up to a maximum of 10 miles from your business address. You can see the number of verified neighbors in each Nextdoor neighborhood as well as the price to post a Local Deal to that neighborhood next to the neighborhood name.

  9. Sort and customize your Nextdoor newsfeed

    However, if you check your newsfeed multiple times per day and want to read everything that has been posted to your area, then the ‘Recent’ feed is probably the right choice for you because it makes it easier to keep track of what you've already read. The ‘Nearby’ option shows you posts in your neighborhood and your nearby neighborhoods.

  10. Connect with local service providers on Nextdoor

    Service providers on Nextdoor can post relevant messages, polls, events, and emergency alerts to neighborhoods in their service area. As a Nextdoor member, you can thank their posts, reply to them, or send a local service provider a direct message, just …