2024年10月28日 · If you are an employer planning to make an employee or employees redundant, you must follow a proper redundancy process. What is redundancy? With a true …
2018年12月10日 · Our step by step guide will walk you through the process and tackle the difficult questions that employers often face when making redundancies. We’ll take you through the …
This flowchart gives an overview of the key stages of a redundancy process. If you need further assistance with a redundancy process regardless of numbers we can help.
Use this redundancy consultation flowchart where a business or workplace is closing, or there is a diminished need for employees to carry out work of a particular kind.
This flowchart provides information about due process in relation to individual redundancy exercises. However, information is not the same as legal advice and although we have gone to …
R00 - REDUNDANCY FLOW CHART Version 1 Initiate consultation with affected individuals and their representatives. If 20 or more individuals from one establishment are to be dismissed, …
Use objective criteria, precisely defined and capable of being applied in an independent way, when selecting employees for redundancy. This is to ensure that they are not selected unfairly. …
Redundancy Flowchart Are you thinking about making an employee redundant? Is there an alternative? Consider: Natural wastage. Restrictions on recruitment. Retraining and …
Redundancy Flowchart 01-04-2011 1/1 Need to reduce staffing identified Individual consultation Collective consultation also required Service meets with HR re situation, strategies (including …
2024年1月25日 · When employment contracts end through resignation, retirement, dismissal or redundancy, there are rights and responsibilities for both the employer and employee.