Connecticut | Flag, Facts, Maps, & Points of Interest | Britannica
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康涅狄格州 - 百度百科
CT.GOV-Connecticut's Official State Website
Stay Warm with Connecticut’s Energy Assistance Program Assistance is available to help households keep their homes warm this winter. CTPrepares: Emergency Management News and Resources
Visit Connecticut
Family day trips. Romantic getaways. Upcoming events. Connecticut's best kept dining, lodging, and attractions. Start your visit here! Official CT Tourism site.
康乃狄克州 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
康乃狄克州(英語: State of Connecticut ),簡稱康州,是美國 東北部的一州,也是新英格蘭區域中最南的一州。在美國獨立戰爭時期,是13州聯盟之一。州花山桂,州鸟美洲知更鸟,州树北美白橡。
Connecticut ‑ Map, Capital & State - HISTORY
2024年7月31日 · Connecticut experienced both population and economic growth in the 1800s and was at the forefront of America’s Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. The state became a manufacturing...
康涅狄格州Connecticut介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
康涅狄格州Connecticut(简称康州)是美国东北部新英格兰地区6个州之一,也是新英格兰区域中最偏南的一州。 作为美国开国13州之一,有丰富的历史文化遗产。
Connecticut - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
Connecticut is a state in the United States. Its capital is Hartford, and its largest city is Bridgeport. It is one of the six states of New England. It borders New York to the west, Massachusetts to …
Connecticut | State Facts & History - Infoplease