The Captain of the Guards is stationed within the entrance of the Chapel. He draws his sword when the Knights are first called "To Order". He keeps it drawn until the Knights "Return …
G: Three Knights Templar, hailing from three separate Commanderies, and acting under a lawful Warrant, may form and open a Commandery of Knights Templar for the dispatch of business.
Inform him that a Commandery of Knights Templar is about to be opened and direct him to guard accordingly. W carries, right faces and marches south to a point directly east of the Sentinel’s …
Manual of Ritualistic and Asylum Tactics For the illustrious order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta and the Order of the Temple, as prepared and adopted for use by Commanderies under …
Procedure for lighting and Extinguishing Candles. Remember that if the Tabernacle were in complete darkness the only light enabling the Pillar Officers by which to see and read would …
The Knights Templar is the final Order joined in the York Rite. Unlike other Masonic bodies which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religion, membership in the Knights …
[Prayer, ending with the Lord’s Prayer.] C.: Sir Knights: --Re-cover. Waiving further ceremony I now declare ___________ Commandery, No. _________, open for the dispatch of such …