Anyone wishing to join (Name of Church) shall make request for membership to a Pastor or an Elder. The individual shall be given a membership application, a copy of the Statement of …
camps, nursing homes, and cemeteries, and any other ministries that the church may be led of God to establish. Section 2. The church shall also ordain and license men to the Gospel …
The name of this organization shall be Ministry Name located in City, state of State, County. ARTICLE II. PREROGATIVES Section 1. This ministry is organized as a ministry of the church …
Section 3 – A copy of this constitution and bylaws shall at all times be kept by the church clerk and another copy shall be kept in the church office. All amendments and revisions shall, after …
CHURCH CONSTITUTION Please Note: This sample constitution is intended to serve as a guideline for your church to help in drafting a church constitution. The primary purpose of a …
(The following is a sample of a church Constitution and Bylaws. This can be revised and fitted to any local church’ s need/situation.) The Constitution and Bylaws Committee of _____(name of …
Sample Constitution Use the following sample and flesh it out to fit your ministry context. I. NAME The name of this organization, a nonprofit Corporation, shall be the _____ Evangelical Free …
and spiritually mature members of the church body to enhance the church’s ministry and to increase potential for growth. Respectively, the Elders, Deacons, and Corporate Officers have …
this constitution. Article VII Changes and Amendments A. Sections A and B of Article II shall not be amended or removed. B. This constitution (except those sections listed above) may be …
which the church is located or a not for profit company under Commonwealth law. 3.3. ‘Administration Department’ means the group of Partners appointed to serve the Church as …