  1. Head covering for Christian women

    • Christian head covering, also known as Christian veiling, is the traditional practice of women covering their head in a variety of Christian denominations. Some Christian women wear the head covering in public worship and during private prayer at home, while others (esp. Conservative Anabaptists) believe women should wear head coverings at all times. Amo… 展开


    During the time of Moses, the Bible records that it was normative for women to wear a head covering (cf. Numbers 5:18). In Numbers 5:18, the sotah (meaning "one who goes astray") ritual, in which the head of a woman accused of … 展开


    With respect to the early Church, Tom Shank concluded that there were a variety of headcoverings worn by the early Christians, ranging from shawls to kapps: "William McGrath (1991) found that etchings in the C… 展开

  1. The Spiritual Symbolism of Veils – Women In The …

    Christian women are to wear a head covering to pray and prophesy. Christian women have worn veils, see through material, in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. as head coverings, according to Church Fathers.

  2. The Significance of the Christian Woman’s Veiling

  3. A Guide to Women’s Headcoverings in the Orthodox Church

  4. Veiling of Orthodox Christian Women …

    2022年10月4日 · The tradition of Orthodox Christian women wearing veils is and always has been part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. This tradition can be found in the Scriptures …

  5. Why Women of God in Christ Jesus Should Wear the …

    As Christian women we have been instructed by the Holy Word of God to not only cover our heads out of respect and submission to God and His Holy Order: God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, man/husband, woman/wife, and children; …

  6. Veiling in Christianity from an Orthodox …

    2023年7月24日 · Have you ever wondered why some Christian women wear veils or some sort of head covering in church? In this blog post, I intend on not only answering that question, …

  7. The Theology Behind Women Wearing Veils in Church

    2019年11月13日 · For this reason, the traditional custom of all females wearing a veil in church seems to find justification in the natural and supernatural ordering of each woman to be a spouse — be it as a bride of Christ in religious life or as a …

  8. Christian Tradition of Head Coverings for Women

  9. Should Christian women wear head coverings?

    2024年8月27日 · 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 addresses the issue of women and head coverings. The context of the entire passage of 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 is submission to the God-given order and "chain of command." A "covering" on a …